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Wholesale Samarium Cobalt Magnets - China Rare Rearth Magnet Supplier

Wholesale Samarium Cobalt Magnets - China Rare Rearth Magnet Supplier

China Magnets Source Material Limited is a Chinese supplier of rare earth permanent magnets, including Neodymium magnet and Samarium cobalt. China Samarium Cobalt Magnets China Magnets Source Material Limited is a Chinese supplier of rare earth permanent magnets, including Neodymium magnet and Samarium cobalt. Samarium Cobalt Magnets Properties Compared to NdFeB magnets, SmCo magnets offers unique capabilities such as higher energy density at elevated temperatures. Their maximum operating temperature is ≥250 °C, which strongly exceed those of NdFeB permanent magnets. SmCo flux output varies much less with respect to temperature, meaning the device performance can truly be optimized. Click and find SmCo Magnet Grades here. SmCo Magnet Material Application Therefore, we usually use SmCo magnets for high-temperature applications, such as turbomachinery, motor rotors of high-end electric cars and magnetic agitator drives. Samarium cobalt block in grade of Sm2Co17 is also very common in the laboratory for scientific research project or experimental study. For eaxample, CERN use our magnet on accelerator. Samarium Cobalt Magnets Price Another difference with NdFeB magnets is that the supply risk and price instability of SmCo magnets do not depend on the rare-earth element – Sm, but rather on the cobalt in the magnet alloy. Therefore, the price of Samarium Cobalt block material is more stable. Wholesale SmCo Magnet China As smco5 & sm2co17 magnet manufacturer, we supply Samarium Cobalt for mass production at factory price. But we also custom smco magnets for prototype development and low-volume production. Are you interested in learning more about what we have to offer you? We are more than happy to provide additional information about our magnetic products. For product pricing details, ordering information, or any other questions you have, contact us through email Custom Manufacture: Factory price Customer: CERN Neodymium magnet: magnetic assembly Coating: available if needed high working temperature: 250-300℃
Notrufsprechstellen als Stand- oder Wandgehäuse

Notrufsprechstellen als Stand- oder Wandgehäuse

wird an vielen Knotenpunkten unerlässlich. Sie geben Menschen Sicherheit und helfen Leben retten. Photon verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung bei der Entwicklung und Fertigung für vielfältigste Einsatzgebiete.
Durch Magnete stets im Blick

Durch Magnete stets im Blick

Notizblock-Schilder haften mit Hilfe der auf der Rückseite angebrachten Magnete an vielen metallischen Objekten. Durch vorgebohrte Löcher ist das Schild auch an sonstigen Flächen leicht zu fixieren. Mit Notizblock und Bleistift in Reichweite ist jede Idee schnell notiert und der Einkaufszettel stets aktuell.